Proven Strategies to Make Money Even If You’re Not Monetized Yet

So, you’ve got your YouTube channel rolling, and you’re doing everything right – uploading videos, engaging with your audience, and growing your subscribers. But there’s just one problem: you haven’t hit the magical requirements for monetization through the YouTube Partnership Program yet. Don’t sweat it! There are actually loads of ways to start generating income on YouTube before you even see a single ad on your videos. And you might be surprised at how simple some of these methods are! Let’s dive into my top tips that’ll get you earning before YouTube starts paying you.

1. Leverage Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest and most accessible ways to start making money on YouTube before ads ever show up. Essentially, you promote products or services in your videos, and when people click on your affiliate links and make a purchase, you get a commission. The cool part is that it’s a win-win: your viewers discover products they’re interested in, and you make money without needing thousands of views.

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing

Start by signing up for affiliate programs that match your niche. If you’re in tech, Amazon Affiliates is a no-brainer. There are tons of other affiliate programs out there, so do a little research and find the ones that offer products you genuinely like and believe in. The key here is authenticity. If your audience trusts your recommendations, they’ll be more likely to click those affiliate links.

Once you’ve got your affiliate links, find ways to weave them into your content naturally. Do a product review or a tutorial and mention how this tool can benefit your viewers. Then, remind them to check the description box for the link to the product you’re talking about. Don’t forget to include a brief disclosure, letting your viewers know that you might earn a small commission if they purchase through the link.

Why Affiliate Marketing Works So Well

It’s super low-risk for you. You don’t need to create any products or services yourself; you just help connect your viewers to stuff they’re already interested in. Plus, it works at any stage in your YouTube journey, whether you’ve got 100 subscribers or 100,000.

2. Secure Brand Sponsorships

Here’s another shocker: you don’t need to wait until you’re a mega YouTuber to start landing brand sponsorships. Brands are always on the lookout for niche creators with engaged audiences. Even if you’re a smaller channel, you have value because your audience trusts you, and that’s gold for brands.

How to Get Sponsored Deals

First off, you’ll want to build a media kit. This doesn’t have to be fancy, but it should include your channel stats, a breakdown of your audience demographics, and examples of the kind of content you create. Brands want to know who they’ll be reaching by working with you, so show them the value of your audience.

Next, start pitching to brands that align with your niche. Don’t wait for them to come to you. Reach out to companies and offer to create a sponsored video in exchange for compensation. Remember, it’s all about showing brands how working with you benefits them.

How to Integrate Sponsorships Seamlessly

Sponsored content can be a tricky balance. You don’t want your video to feel like one long ad, or your audience will lose interest. Instead, think of creative ways to incorporate the product or service naturally into your content. Whether you’re doing a review, a demo, or a mention during a vlog, make sure it feels genuine. And of course, be transparent with your viewers that it’s a sponsored video. Honesty builds trust, and trust builds long-term success.

3. Offer Exclusive Content Through Memberships

While you’re waiting to hit those monetization goals, why not offer your most dedicated fans something extra? Platforms like Patreon or Ko-fi allow you to offer exclusive content to your viewers in exchange for a monthly fee. Think of it as a membership service where your subscribers can unlock special perks that regular viewers don’t get access to.

What to Offer in Memberships

It could be behind-the-scenes content, early access to videos, live Q&As, or even one-on-one consultations. The point is to offer something that feels valuable enough for your viewers to pay for. You’d be surprised at how many of your audience members are willing to support you directly, especially if they feel like they’re getting something special in return.

Promoting Your Memberships

Don’t be shy about promoting your membership service in your videos. Mention it casually at the end of your video or add a CTA in the description. Let your audience know that supporting you through memberships helps you create more awesome content for them.

4. Sell Your Own Products or Services

Got a special skill or product you can share? One of the best ways to make money on YouTube before ads is to sell your own products or services. This could be digital products like e-books, courses, or templates, or even physical products like merch. If you have a skill to share, why not package it and sell it?

Setting Up a Simple Product Offer

You don’t need a fancy website to start selling. Platforms like Gumroad or Etsy make it easy to sell digital products with minimal setup. For physical products like T-shirts or mugs, print-on-demand services like Printful handle everything from printing to shipping for you.

How to Promote Your Products on YouTube

Mention your product naturally in your videos. Maybe you’re wearing your custom-designed T-shirt or referring to your e-book in a tutorial. Don’t make it a hard sell, but let your viewers know that they can check out your products if they’re interested. Include links in your video description, and use your affiliate section of the blog to promote your products.

5. Use Crowdfunding for Projects

If you have a big idea for your channel but don’t have the funds to pull it off, consider crowdfunding. Sites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo let your audience fund your projects directly. Whether you want to create a high-quality documentary, a short film, or even just upgrade your camera equipment, your audience might be more than willing to help if they’re invested in what you’re doing.

Launching a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

The key to successful crowdfunding is presenting your project in a way that gets people excited. Create a campaign video explaining why you need the funding and what your viewers will get in return. Offer rewards like shoutouts, early access to the final product, or exclusive behind-the-scenes content for those who back your project.

Promoting Your Campaign

Once your campaign is live, promote it like crazy in your videos, on social media, and even in your email list if you have one. Make sure to keep your backers updated throughout the process, so they feel like they’re part of the journey.

6. Host Live Streams with Donations

Live streaming is another way to generate income, even without monetization. Platforms like YouTube Live, Twitch, or Streamlabs let your audience donate to you in real-time while you stream. Whether you’re doing a Q&A, playing a game, or just chatting with your audience, live streams are a great way to engage with your viewers while earning a little extra cash.

Maximizing Your Live Stream Earnings

Encourage viewers to donate by offering shoutouts or special perks for those who contribute. You can even host live fundraisers for specific causes or goals, like upgrading your equipment or funding a new project. Live streams are a great way to build community and make money at the same time.

Building Engagement Through Live Streams

Make your live streams interactive. Ask your audience questions, read their comments, and create a fun, engaging atmosphere that makes them want to support you. The more involved they feel, the more likely they are to donate.


Who says you need ads to start making money on YouTube? With affiliate marketing, brand sponsorships, exclusive memberships, selling your own products, crowdfunding, and live streaming, you’ve got more than enough options to start generating income long before monetization hits. These strategies not only help you earn money now but also build a strong foundation for long-term success. So, get out there, try a few of these methods, and watch as your YouTube channel starts paying off in ways you never expected!

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